May 23, 2014

Short Story Month

May is National Short Story Month!

Nishant Choksi

The short story is often overlooked in favor of the novel. As Steven Millhauser says in his New York Times essay:

"The short story — how modest in bearing! How unassuming in manner! It sits there quietly, eyes lowered, almost as if trying not to be noticed. And if it should somehow attract your attention, it says quickly, in a brave little self-deprecating voice alive to all the possibilities of disappointment: 'I’m not a novel, you know. Not even a short one. If that’s what you’re looking for, you don’t want me.'" 

Oh, but we do want you!

As people consume more and more media on iPhones and other small screens, it seems that the short story is poised for a renaissance. And in a time crunched world, short fiction provides the pleasure of a novel without the commitment.

So check out some of the short story collections we have in the library:
Follow CCC's board Short Stories on Pinterest.

And try these online resources too!

Celebrating National Short Story Month

Short Stories to Savor


But for now, we'll leave you with this famous little story which has inspired the six word story movement:

"For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn." - Ernest Hemingway

May 15, 2014

Congratuations to our Graduating Library Student Assistants!

The Columbia College Chicago Library staff wish the very best to our 2014 graduating student assistants!  We appreciate them and the outstanding work they have done for us. Congratulations to all of you, and best wishes on your future endeavors!

Access Services
Jordan Berry, Journalism
Walt Schaffield, Art & Design
Sarah Stanley, Fiction Writing
Felix Ofosu-Yeboah, Cinema Art and Science

Community Engagement and Special Initiatives
Alida Banh, Arts, Entertainment and Media Management 

Reference/Interlibrary Loan
Amy Barger, Photography

May 8, 2014

Need a diversion you can still call an academic pursuit? -- Underground Comix and Graphic Novels

Need a little relief from the end-of-semester crush?

Take a peek at the Underground & Independent Comics, Comix and Graphic Novels database

A treasure trove of alternative comics from the 1960s to today.

More than 100,000 pages including:
75,000 pages of primary materials (the comics themselves).
25,000 pages of interviews, commentary, theory, and criticism—from The Comics Journal and other publications.

It's a Library database:  CHECK IT OUT!  Underground & Independent Comics, Comix and Graphic Novels

 (We promise not to laugh.)

May 5, 2014

Less stress, please!

Semester's end is fast approaching. Got a million things to do?  Follow this path for a less stressed arrival!

First, eat a balanced breakfast!
Then, make a...


Use colorful sticky notes to highlight points you need
 to remember. 


During the day, make time for a walk...

or a dance...with a friend, even. You'll look, think and feel better!

Be sure to wear the right colors. Studies show that blue can promote calmness.

 Journalize thoughts about
that upcoming summer vacation
then gently guide yourself
back to business.


a nap
if you
need to...
but keep

Review your To-do List right before bed to ease concerns and smooth the way to sleep!

And if you need help with those pesky papers, come see us!